From my council house (not a social house), in a white working class area of Birmingham, known as Acocks Green, I’m ashamed to say that several things saw me vote for the dreaded reds again, the main one being the discord and disunity in the ranks of the Tory party.
Now I see the bigger picture, as its apparent that there’s no difference between any of them.
LiLac or New Labour, Tory and Lib-Dem are all the same, they are all "floored."
They are "flawed" because each of them follow and support what I refer to as The diabolic trinity or the Three “I“s
- They support for mass Immigration.
- They support continued membership of the European Union.
- They hate the Indigenous people of these British isles.
Ok two “I”s and an “E”, but two out of three is an excellent score for the LILaCs!
Returning to toughness on crime, here is a look at the policy of the British National Party, the only party that will keep all of its election promises, the proof being one Nick Griffin, who said that if he was returned as an MEP, he would find out and publicise who are the traitors that have run our country into the ground leaving it at the mercy of the EU.
And true to his word, he and his researchers are doing that as I write this article.
Britain suffers from more than 27,000 crimes per day, or more than ten million crimes per year – the direct result of decades of softly-softly politically correct policing and a failed social engineering policy which has put the rights of yobs and criminals above that of victims.
According to the Office for National Statistics’ British Crime Survey of 2008, 22 percent of people in Britain will be the victim of some crime during the course of a single year.
To combat this shocking state of affairs, the British National Party seeks a return to traditional standards of law enforcement, combined with social reform directed at addressing the root causes of criminal behaviour.
To this end, BNP crime and justice policy will:
- Free the police and courts from the politically correct straitjacket which is stopping them from doing their jobs properly;
- End the liberal fixation with the “rights” of criminals and replace it with concern for the rights of victims – and the right of innocent people not to become victims;
- Re-introduce corporal punishment for petty criminals and vandals;
- Restore capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers as an option for judges in cases where their guilt is proven beyond dispute (such as with DNA or other compelling evidence).
At the same time, the BNP recognises that decades of social welfare dependence – encouraged by disastrous Labour and Tory policies – which is the primary cause of social delinquency, must be brought to an end.
Social reform is therefore also required. Workfare, not welfare, except to the neediest, should be the norm. Only in this way can the cycle of social deprivation, which is the primary cause of indigenous criminality, be broken.
To this end, the BNP will introduce a system of workfare for those in unemployment benefit for more than six months with compulsory work and training in return for decent payment.
The socialist building block housing concrete monstrosities which blight our urban areas and which are the breeding ground for delinquency and crime will be torn down and replaced with decent housing which encourages the stable family unit.
Non-indigenous crime – rapidly becoming a serious problem, as the knife and gun crime epidemic spreading throughout our major cities – will be dealt with in terms of BNP immigration and identity policy.
Overcrowding in prisons will be solved by the deportation of the tens of thousands of foreign criminals to serve their sentences abroad in their home countries. This act alone will free up to 70 percent of jail space in many prisons.
The BNP will also:
- Make prisons more austere and make criminals serve their full sentences. Offenders will be made to understand that they are being punished and not rewarded with a state-subsidised holiday for their crimes;
- Use electronically tagged “chain gangs” to provide labour for projects such as coastal defences;
- Introduce automatic prison sentences for all repeat offenders;
- Put police back on the streets and remove their current political correctness shackles;
- Allow victims of crime full freedom to defend themselves and their property;
- Make joint custody of children the norm in divorce cases;
- Grant anonymity to those accused of crimes until they are convicted;
- Make police concentrate on real criminals and serve the public, not the government’s political aspirations.
The British National Party alone recognises that crime must be tackled on two levels: firstly by effective policing, and secondly by addressing the root social causes of crime, both indigenous and non-indigenous in origin.
Addressing these two issues will solve the crime problem.
The time has come for change.
On my personal blog last Thursday I commented on train robber Ronnie Biggs being released from prison on ‘compassionate’ grounds, drawing reference to the previous nights Audience with Marlene Guest “Is It Me?”.
The man may be ill, but he spent 30 years, the best years of his life, partying and sticking two fingers up at you and I, while we grafted and slogged hard, to keep our homes and feed our children.
Still showing absolutely no remorse, as he withers away, either from himself or through his son, he is still sticking those two fingers up at us.
And the New Labour ‘Minister for Justice’ Jack Straw has allowed Biggs to show us this final contempt.