The race Gestapo, otherwise known as the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, has launched legal steps against the British National Party over its membership criteria — but has ignored black police associations whose membership criteria openly discriminates based on colour.
These “blacks only” police associations link their websites to the CEHR website, precluding any claims of ignorance on the part of the CEHR concerning these taxpayer-funded, racially–exclusive organisations which forbid whites from becoming members.
The National Black Police Association has recently put up a disclaimer on its website saying that whites can join — but have only done so since the BNP pointed out its blacks-only membership criteria.
Therein lies the rub: “full members” are defined racially by the NBPA’s associate organisations.
Take, for example, the Gloucester Black Police Officers Association, which says on its website:
“Membership Requirements
* Full membership open to all black Police Officers, Civilian Support Staff and Special Constables directly employed by the Gloucestershire Constabulary.”
The Gloucester BPA is not the only such associative body to restrict its membership in this way. Below are screenshots of the websites of a number of black policing associations. From these it can be seen that all of these associations, which receive state funding, restrict their membership racially.
The irony of this is that the BNP does not have any problem with people of whatever background who wish to organise themselves upon ethnic grounds for whatever cause they desire.
It does, however, seem that the CEHR is only interested in persecuting an organisation which strives for the interests of the ethnically indigenous native British population — and leaves all other groups alone.
The CEHR’s hypocrisy and double standards will, it is predicted, soon cost that organisation and the entire race police infrastructure dearly.
The BNP is not going to let this matter rest, especially when it is being persecuted for daring to speak out for the native people of Britain.

From the BNP Website