Saturday, 29 August 2009
Key National BNP figures speak in Birmingham By TITVS ADVXAS
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Exposed: The “Blacks Only” Police Association That the CEHR Ignores

The race Gestapo, otherwise known as the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, has launched legal steps against the British National Party over its membership criteria — but has ignored black police associations whose membership criteria openly discriminates based on colour.
These “blacks only” police associations link their websites to the CEHR website, precluding any claims of ignorance on the part of the CEHR concerning these taxpayer-funded, racially–exclusive organisations which forbid whites from becoming members.
The National Black Police Association has recently put up a disclaimer on its website saying that whites can join — but have only done so since the BNP pointed out its blacks-only membership criteria.
Therein lies the rub: “full members” are defined racially by the NBPA’s associate organisations.
Take, for example, the Gloucester Black Police Officers Association, which says on its website:
“Membership Requirements
* Full membership open to all black Police Officers, Civilian Support Staff and Special Constables directly employed by the Gloucestershire Constabulary.”
The Gloucester BPA is not the only such associative body to restrict its membership in this way. Below are screenshots of the websites of a number of black policing associations. From these it can be seen that all of these associations, which receive state funding, restrict their membership racially.
The irony of this is that the BNP does not have any problem with people of whatever background who wish to organise themselves upon ethnic grounds for whatever cause they desire.
It does, however, seem that the CEHR is only interested in persecuting an organisation which strives for the interests of the ethnically indigenous native British population — and leaves all other groups alone.
The CEHR’s hypocrisy and double standards will, it is predicted, soon cost that organisation and the entire race police infrastructure dearly.
The BNP is not going to let this matter rest, especially when it is being persecuted for daring to speak out for the native people of Britain.

From the BNP Website
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Trevor Phillips Declares War on BNP! from The BNP Website
Despite the fact that our existing membership criteria has been in force for nearly 30 years, the absurdly named "Equalities" Commission has only just decided that our reasonable, legal and totally understandable membership rules are "illegal" and contrary to the "Race Relations Act". The BNP and our Chairman Nick Griffin are resolved to fight this nonsense with every resource and every drop of energy available. The reason that the Equalities Commission has decided to pick a fight with the BNP now is because of our recent success in the European Elections. It is a politically motivated action that they hope will destroy our movement. We will not allow this to happen! The treacherous British media and political establishment have become panic-stricken over our inexorable march into the political mainstream. They have tried every trick in the book to halt our growing success. Now they are resorting to fake legal warfare against us just before the coming of the General Election. What is most sickening regarding this latest attempt to destroy Britain's patriotic political alternative is the stinking hypocrisy that accompanies it! There exists in Britain hundreds, possibly thousands, of organisations that cater for and advocate the interests of their own racial, religious or ethnic groups. None of these groups have drawn any opprobrium from the 'race relations' industry. The only ethnic organisation Phillips has attacked is the British National Party, which fights for the rights of the native British people. The fightback starts today! Below you will find a long, but partial, list of ethnic-minority organisations that exist to promote the interests of their own kind. We need you to do the following: ![]()
- BNP face legal action over membership rules (The Telegraph) |
Friday, 21 August 2009
The Nation With A Handle On It's Back
If we wend our way through the pages of British history we will find unsavoury content repugnant to many and in contrast events that extol Britishness to the highest order of virtue.
However, it should be noted that the negative aspects involved in the development of the British peoples is grossly outweighed by the positive. The strength of the British peoples is renowned worldwide. A strength that evolved from the tenacity of the fair skinned races inspired by a religion that promoted love … the religion of Christianity … a religion based on Christ a man who stood against the injustices of his time and the unjust characteristics of this world.
The Christian value upon which our culture has evolved over the last two thousand years is now sadly being exploited by anti- Christians and others that have no religious values. The British social system appears to be currently undergoing a program of foreign infiltration that is either assimilating or destroying all opposition to it. The attack upon our system is allowed to continue because to oppose it is unjustifiably portrayed as RACIST or ANTI-CHRISTIAN.
The main current weakness of the British peoples was once the strength that put the GREAT into Britain … strength formed from compassion and love from which our Christian society evolved. However, it is because of the Christian value of love that our country is now under the control of British despots and sycophants controlled by foreign powers … a country that is gradually adopting the traits of the detrimental foreign influences that undermine our system. Influences that will inevitably, if not neutralised, destroy the British way of life and place the legacy of Britain in the laps of the illegitimate.
The proposal of the introduction of sharia law into Britain is a major topic and step towards the destruction of the values of British Christianity. The religions of Christianity and Islam cannot exist side by side as the values in these religions vehemently oppose one another … one religion will have to succumb to the will of the other or both will remain in perpetual conflict.
The introduction of sharia law into Britain is a direct racist attack upon the British peoples as it threatens British culture and British Christian values the basis of the culture. The current Christian Archbishop Rowen Williams (Judging by his behaviour Rowen Atkinson would be more apt a description) has promoted the introduction of sharia law into Britain thus exposing the deep penetrating level of adverse foreign infiltration in our society.
Our main church leadership is adopting policies that will eventually destroy the Christian Church that they falsely represent. The Archbishop is acting in a way that could be considered tantamount to treason in his betrayal of Christianity and the British peoples … perhaps he should acknowledge what happened to Archbishop Sudbury in 1381:
“On this day, June 14, 1381, while Wat Tyler negotiated with the king, the mob broke into the Tower of London, shouting, "Where is the traitor to the kingdom? Where is the spoiler of the commons?" When they found Archbishop Sudbury, he was at prayer before an altar with some of his associates. The rebels dragged all of them outside and down some steps to Tower Hill where they hacked off their heads as traitors. Lifting the heads on pikes, they carried them in triumph through the city”
Well as Rowen promotes sharia, decapitation should not come as too much of a surprise to him.
So what is so different about sharia law? According to the sharia way of thinking, “women are born deficient and homosexuals should be thrown off mountains” (Daily Mail/ 17-5-2008).
In view of this statement around fifty percent of our population had better start wising up a bit rapidly and ten percent should learn to stay clear of mountains when in the company of Muslims.
When you add Apostasy (the killing of a Muslim who decides to try another religion) or the stoning to death of a woman accused of adultery (having their heads publicly smashed in with rocks) often merely a stitched up rape victim it can be seen that this religion wreaks of hatred, irrationality, ignorance and violence as opposed to the love, rationality and peace promoted by TRUE British Christianity.
However, the love and compassion shown by Christians towards all others of different cultures and religions really does warrant the handle on the back especially when the intention of those helped is to destroy the helper.
The love shown towards technologically backward and hate filled cultures that wish to destroy our way of life is counter- productive to our own culture. The process needs to be re-evaluated or we really will warrant the HANDLE ON THE BACK as we are relegated to second or third class people in our own country.
The Muslims often highlight the medieval barbarity employed by the European armies in the Crusades 1096- 1272 A.D. However, there is little merit in the accusations other than the actions were the medieval actions of the times … medieval actions abandoned today by Europeans but still employed by Muslims.
It should be noted that the initial Islamic expansion program following the death of Muhammad in 632 A.D provoked the medieval Crusades. The early part of the program consisted of the Muslim conquest of Damascus in 635 A.D., Jerusalem in 638 A.D., Alexandria in 641 and Spain in 711 A.D.
The initial attacks upon Christendom continued until temporary repelled in 732 A.D. by the Franks (French) under Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer). Islam continued in its aggressive expansion policy until eventually defeating the Byzantine army in the highly strategically important Battle of Manzikert in 1071 A.D.
The Byzantine Empire was the heart of Christendom. The Pope Gregory VII in 1074 called upon the Christian countries to support Byzantium. The first Crusade resulted in the capture of Jerusalem in 1099 under the main directive of Geoffrey of Boulogne who later became immortalised as one of The Nine Worthies.
The nine Crusades were a vicissitude of fortune between Islam and Christianity with victory having leaned more towards Islam by the end of the Crusades. By the middle of the fifteenth century Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantium Empire, was successfully overrun by the Muslim armies after the walls were breached with cannon fire … and still on they come.
The current Muslim aggression is seen all around us in the modern contemporary world. The slow insidious modern conquest by soft- power encroachment cultural infiltration and dominance is there to be seen.
The bombings in London that left over fifty people dead displayed the true face and intentions of the perpetrators and their kind. The rally against the return of our soldiers in Leeds by a small group of Muslims showed what side these people are on whether carrying a British passport or not.
The fact that the police allowed the protest and arrested relatives of the soldiers is another indicator of the level of foreign infiltration in our security forces. If these people really cared they would not have to do things such as blow up buses or debase military rallies. If they voted B.N.P. they would be voting for an end to the fighting in both Iraq and Afghanistan thus saving the lives of people in those countries and the lives of young British soldiers.
The British peoples are being taken for mugs … if one day you find it difficult to turn around in a confined space it might be more than confinement. The majority of the British peoples are either too uninformed, misinformed or fearful to stand their ground. The few that are standing do so under the banner of the British National Party weathering all that the arrant filth of the establishment can muster. The only rational way forward is with the British National Party … THE NEW PEOPLES’ PARTY
Sunday, 16 August 2009
UAF protesters further the resolve of the BNP family and other day-trippers By TITVS ADVXAS
The Saturday morning drive from a white working class area of Birmingham, known as Acocks Green, to the Derbyshire countryside went without a hitch, until we reached Codnor Denby Lane at its junction with Heanor Lane, where the UAF protest march was due to commence, the road being completely blocked, by the mindless.
I was ordered by police to drive around to the other side, the 'other side' being Breach Road and Denby Common, where another ugly group of ugly protesters had gathered, which proved a little scary for my partner and our other passengers, who were quite troubled by the great unwashed.
I told my passengers that these ugly people are simply misguided fools and are simply following the agenda of the cowards at the top of the tree, of the UAF, the SWP, The unions, the New-Labour party, The Tory Party, and signatories of it, David Cameron, Tony Benn, Peter Hain, and Ken Livingston were the ones that came to mind.
Just think about it!
All of those political parties, organisations and other people (and more), involved in a display of fascist totalitarianism.
The elites don't want The British National Party to have a family weekend, and are prepared to use violence, through The UAF to do it, yet you never see the organ grinders at work.
Weyman Bennett, had made some noises on the internet in the days before, but not even he was around, as the red-eyed reds, who'd travelled up on the red-eye, were grunting and growling at us.
Like Simon Darby said, about 100 of us were delayed due to these creatures.
Inside the festival, we couldn't even hear the animal noises outside.
Now the Telegraph have produced their report of the commotion outside and the goings on inside, in their usual disproportionate way.
Making sure that they could call us all the usual names and try to hint at racism, they drew reference to the beastly chants from outside:
The main body of demonstrators, which was monitored by a camera mounted on a drone, gathered in Codnor's Market Place, chanting "Nazi scum, off our streets" and waving placards from campaign group Unite Against Fascism and various trade union groups.
Dozens of tents had been pitched on the BNP festival site, around 200 yards from where police were forced to hold back protesters.
Journalists from some media organisations were invited on to the site, where a political marquee had been set up to hear speeches and a Ford Ka was up for grabs in a raffle alongside stalls selling badges and pork scratchings.
A coconut shy - featuring images of Tony Blair, Jack Straw and Gordon Brown and offering festival-goers the chance to "knock a traitor off the stick" - had also been set up at the festival site.
So why mention the pork scratchings, as if we didn't know?
I, for one, enjoyed my first Red-White-and-Blue, as did my entourage, as the attempts by the Amber Valley Council to deter the party's party failed like a Labour candidate at a by-election:
- Preventing use of caravans and campervans,
- Not allowing a funfair for children,
- Not allowing a liquor license,
- Enforcing archaic laws on noise to hinder partying by BNP revellers.
What the UAF and Amber Valley did achieve, by their actions, was to further the resolve of my previously BNP-sceptical passengers, to support and go forward with the party.
They, like me, want their country back.
And like me they are prepared to back Nick Griffin and The BNP in the dark times that surely lay ahead.
As Published

Monday, 10 August 2009
The time has come for change! Put up or get out New Labour! By TITVS ADVXAS

From my council house (not a social house), in a white working class area of Birmingham, known as Acocks Green, I’m ashamed to say that several things saw me vote for the dreaded reds again, the main one being the discord and disunity in the ranks of the Tory party.
Now I see the bigger picture, as its apparent that there’s no difference between any of them.
LiLac or New Labour, Tory and Lib-Dem are all the same, they are all "floored."
They are "flawed" because each of them follow and support what I refer to as The diabolic trinity or the Three “I“s
- They support for mass Immigration.
- They support continued membership of the European Union.
- They hate the Indigenous people of these British isles.
Ok two “I”s and an “E”, but two out of three is an excellent score for the LILaCs!
Returning to toughness on crime, here is a look at the policy of the British National Party, the only party that will keep all of its election promises, the proof being one Nick Griffin, who said that if he was returned as an MEP, he would find out and publicise who are the traitors that have run our country into the ground leaving it at the mercy of the EU.
And true to his word, he and his researchers are doing that as I write this article.
Britain suffers from more than 27,000 crimes per day, or more than ten million crimes per year – the direct result of decades of softly-softly politically correct policing and a failed social engineering policy which has put the rights of yobs and criminals above that of victims.
According to the Office for National Statistics’ British Crime Survey of 2008, 22 percent of people in Britain will be the victim of some crime during the course of a single year.
To combat this shocking state of affairs, the British National Party seeks a return to traditional standards of law enforcement, combined with social reform directed at addressing the root causes of criminal behaviour.
To this end, BNP crime and justice policy will:
- Free the police and courts from the politically correct straitjacket which is stopping them from doing their jobs properly;
- End the liberal fixation with the “rights” of criminals and replace it with concern for the rights of victims – and the right of innocent people not to become victims;
- Re-introduce corporal punishment for petty criminals and vandals;
- Restore capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers as an option for judges in cases where their guilt is proven beyond dispute (such as with DNA or other compelling evidence).
At the same time, the BNP recognises that decades of social welfare dependence – encouraged by disastrous Labour and Tory policies – which is the primary cause of social delinquency, must be brought to an end.
Social reform is therefore also required. Workfare, not welfare, except to the neediest, should be the norm. Only in this way can the cycle of social deprivation, which is the primary cause of indigenous criminality, be broken.
To this end, the BNP will introduce a system of workfare for those in unemployment benefit for more than six months with compulsory work and training in return for decent payment.
The socialist building block housing concrete monstrosities which blight our urban areas and which are the breeding ground for delinquency and crime will be torn down and replaced with decent housing which encourages the stable family unit.
Non-indigenous crime – rapidly becoming a serious problem, as the knife and gun crime epidemic spreading throughout our major cities – will be dealt with in terms of BNP immigration and identity policy.
Overcrowding in prisons will be solved by the deportation of the tens of thousands of foreign criminals to serve their sentences abroad in their home countries. This act alone will free up to 70 percent of jail space in many prisons.
The BNP will also:
- Make prisons more austere and make criminals serve their full sentences. Offenders will be made to understand that they are being punished and not rewarded with a state-subsidised holiday for their crimes;
- Use electronically tagged “chain gangs” to provide labour for projects such as coastal defences;
- Introduce automatic prison sentences for all repeat offenders;
- Put police back on the streets and remove their current political correctness shackles;
- Allow victims of crime full freedom to defend themselves and their property;
- Make joint custody of children the norm in divorce cases;
- Grant anonymity to those accused of crimes until they are convicted;
- Make police concentrate on real criminals and serve the public, not the government’s political aspirations.
The British National Party alone recognises that crime must be tackled on two levels: firstly by effective policing, and secondly by addressing the root social causes of crime, both indigenous and non-indigenous in origin.
Addressing these two issues will solve the crime problem.
The time has come for change.
On my personal blog last Thursday I commented on train robber Ronnie Biggs being released from prison on ‘compassionate’ grounds, drawing reference to the previous nights Audience with Marlene Guest “Is It Me?”.
The man may be ill, but he spent 30 years, the best years of his life, partying and sticking two fingers up at you and I, while we grafted and slogged hard, to keep our homes and feed our children.
Still showing absolutely no remorse, as he withers away, either from himself or through his son, he is still sticking those two fingers up at us.
And the New Labour ‘Minister for Justice’ Jack Straw has allowed Biggs to show us this final contempt.

Thursday, 6 August 2009
“G men” wow East Birmingham BNP Meeting By TITVS ADVXAS
Having Paul Golding as a second speaker shows the depth of quality that the British National Party has in it’s ranks, and Mr Golding who, starting with Queen Boadicea gave us a thorough history lesson in ‘indigenous resistance’ over the years, against the would be invaders of British soil.
Mr Golding went on to say “Our (The BNP) hard work over the recent years has started to pay off, as in 2008 we saw our first representation above local level as Richard Barnbrook took his seat on the London Assembly”
“This year we saw a further elevation in representation as Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons were elected to the European parliament” Mr Golding continued “And further proof of our growth is that core membership of The BNP saw a rise of over 35% in the first six months of 2009″
During the brief interval where we enjoyed yet another excellent buffet, provided by organiser Tanya Lumby, I chatted with several supporters who had travelled some fair distances to see the two guest speakers, including Nuneaton & Bedworth councillor Martyn Findlay who had bought his wife, Debbie, and their four children along to this oratory treat.
Just before the main speaker started, Birmingham secretary Mike Bell gave us a taster of the upcoming ‘Red White and Blue’ weekend, by telling us about previous years RWB festivals, and attempts by the local council to spoil this year’s event by imposing a ban on caravans or camper-vans on the private land of the organiser of the event.
Speaker of the evening was Marlene Guest, who was having an “Is it Me?” month following dreadful times in Rotherham where her local council were using Mrs Guests membership of the party to exclude her from her democratic right to free speech in various events, including protest over the proposed use of green belt land, and the injustice afforded to local pensioners over cutbacks in services and the resulting farming out of services like meals-on-wheels, to private firms.
Following some thought provoking statements, Mrs Guest said “Everybody’s BNP in my home town, but they don’t know it yet”.
Mrs Guest finished by urging everybody to inspect the accounts of the local councillors under the freedom of information act because , as she said “Once you’ve got it in black and white, you’ve got ‘em” to which she received a standing ovation.
Finally, new fund-holder John Pugh announced that the meeting had raised £237.
As Published
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Wolverhampton BNP Meeting Attracts All Comers

Wolverhampton organiser, Simon Patten, opened proceedings with a detailed account of fundraising and canvassing reports in the lead up to the European elections in June and more recent tales, plus an expose on how a government funded group, known as the UAF is being supported and utilised by all parties and left wing pressure groups.
"As there were only a few of us, and we knew that the Black Country team were doing a similar sale a few miles away, we telephoned them for support" Mr Patten continued "and we waited only about 15 minutes before Russ Green and John Salvage turned up".
Mr Patten also introduced the new Wolverhampton BNP team, himself the organiser, Mike Kiely (deputy organiser), Dave Bradnock the new fund-holder, and local BNP first points of contact John Painter (Wolverhampton S/E), Stuart Gardner (Wolverhampton S/W) and Mike South Staffordshire).
Third speaker was former Black Country organiser Ken Griffiths, who spoke in depth over planning application controversies in the Dudley area and made more valid points about how the UAF are being utilised by all parties at local levels to attempt to hinder the democratic rights of the BNP.
Mr Reddall concluded by saying that the only way that the indigenous peoples of Britain would prosper, would be under a BNP government.
As Published
Monday, 3 August 2009
West Midlands BNP Enters Intensive Candidate Training Phase By TITVS ADVXAS
These candidates came from all over the West Midlands, representing Dudley, Sandwell, Wolverhampton, North Birmingham, East Birmingham, South Birmingham and Bromsgrove.
Tutors for the day were BNP West Midlands Regional Training Organiser, Richard Lumby and Nuneaton & Bedworth BNP local councillor, Martyn Findley.
Mr Lumby delivered three modules, covering candidate suitability, community politics and advice for public speaking.
Mr Findley delivered one module, about "Life as a BNP councillor" in his usual gutsy style.
These training seminars are intended to be duplicated throughout the country, in order to standardise preparations and to provide a resource for future candidates.
Catering of refreshments and buffet lunch for the day were by the versatile East Birmingham organiser and wife to the RTO, Tanya Lumby.
All the candidates agreed the this new resource was worthwhile, with Mr Lumby, Mrs Lumby and Mr Findley receiving a rapturous applause after their respective inputs and to close the meeting.
The BNP currently have over one hundred local and parish councillors, three county councillors, one London Assembly member, Richard Barnbrook and, of course, the two MEPs, Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons.
The training seminars will continue over the coming months culminating, we expect, with even further successes in the local elections in May 2010.
As Published
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Adopted by General Assembly Resolution 61/295 on 13 September 2007 Affirming that indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, while recognising the right of all peoples to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as such. Reaffirming that indigenous peoples, in the exercise of their rights, should be free from discrimination of any kind. Recognising the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures and from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to their lands, territories and resources. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.
1. Shahid Malik (Lab) £185,421
2. Liam Byrne (Lab, Hodge Hill) £178,116
3. Joan Ryan (Lab) £173,691
4. Dan Norris (Lab) £172,733
5. Tim Farron (Lib-Dem) £172,327
6. Frank Doran (Lab) £171,836
7. Angus MacNeil (SNP) £169,971
8. Tom Levitt (Lab) £168,660
9. Alex Salmond (SNP) £166,814
10. David Mundell (Con) £166,598
Anti-BNP hatemonger Shahid and Hodge Hill comedian Liam topped the free-loading chart, but how did the ten other Birmingham MPs fare …
88. Roger Godsiff (Lab, Sparkbrook & Small Heath) £150,059
108. Khalid Mahmood (Lab, Perry Barr) £148,666
113. Richard Burden (Lab, Northfield) £148,447
139. Lynne Jones (Lab, Selly Oak) £146,793
167. SiĆ“n Simon (Lab, Erdington) £145,444
196. Andrew Mitchell (Con, Sutton Coldfield) £143,965
278. Steve McCabe (Lab, Hall Green) £140,352
382. Gisela Stuart (Lab, Edgbaston) £134,870
388. Clare Short (Ind, Ladywood) £134,408
394. John Hemming (Lib-Dem, Yardley) £134,220
The combined expenses of Birmingham’s eleven MPs for this period was £1,605,340. Is that value for money or just being taken for a ride?
The Beginnings
IT WAS not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved
Ere the English began to hate.
Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.
Rudyard Kipling written during the period 1914-18.
Excerpt from Henry V
This day is called the Feast of Crispian:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a-tiptoe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall see this day and live t'old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say "To-morrow is Saint Crispian":
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars
And say "These wounds I had on Crispin's day."
Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember with advantages
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remembered.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now abed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
William Shakespeare 1599
Fly the flag Video by Bertie Bert music by Richard Greenfield