We can remember when Birmingham did have a British National Party councillor. For all of three weeks before Sir Albert Bore held an illegal recount behind closed doors and BNP Councillor Sharon Ebanks was unceremoniously booted out of office.
Apparently it was the BNP's fault for not fielding two candidates in the election, and what went on subsequently is a matter of public record, and for the sake of Ms Ebanks and The BNP won't be repeated here.
If you look at the 2008 statistics for Birmingham, Tories and Labour both polled 30% of the votes, and if PR were being used, then they would each have returned 12 councillors.
Due to the first past the post and the unfair way that the demographic maps are used to ring fence support, the Tories actually returned 18 seats and the Labour only 8.
Furthermore, with a quarter of the two parties votes at 7.5% or 3 seats, the British National Party should now have 9 or 10 councillors if the results of the previous three years were combined.
PR will never be allowed to be used, as the Trotskyites who run our city will guard their ground by whatever evil plan they chose.
Take the recent ward boundary changes that saw huge chunks of BNP supported areas, like Billesley and Shard End get diluted into neighbouring areas like Springfield.
The BNP have always been brow beaten like this.
In Stoke, where BNP council representation was so strong, that a BNP mayor was on the cards, the ruling Marxists changed their rules to deny this.
In London, GLA representative and BNP member, Richard Barnbrook has recently been suspended over trumped up charges for saying there was nearly a murder in an area where someone was nearly murdered!
Next month our leader Nick Griffin will be a panelist on BBC's flagship political program, Question Time.
We await more dirty tricks from the broadcasting tool of choice of the state, as the Leninist union leader, Gerry Morrisey is trying to start an intervention by his union to disrupt coverage.
As a lifelong supporter of Union action, this the most anti-democratic union move by Morrisey and BECTU.
Coming back to Brum, in the coming months the BNP has a great opportunity to gain representation on the council.
And it is up to the likes of you and me, the grass roots of the party, to get out and put leaflets through doors and sell copies of Voice of Freedom and show the people of our great city that Nick Griffin's and Andrew Brons's election the Strasbourg and Brussels was no fluke, but a right step in the right direction for a people who are waking up to the lies and the dirty tricks of the LibLabCon and their common purpose allies...
As Weyman Bennett and Tara Hewitt chant into their dirty little megaphones (or so it appears to sound from their uncouthed deep voices):
"The BNP is a truthful party. Support the BNP!"
Apparently it was the BNP's fault for not fielding two candidates in the election, and what went on subsequently is a matter of public record, and for the sake of Ms Ebanks and The BNP won't be repeated here.
If you look at the 2008 statistics for Birmingham, Tories and Labour both polled 30% of the votes, and if PR were being used, then they would each have returned 12 councillors.
Due to the first past the post and the unfair way that the demographic maps are used to ring fence support, the Tories actually returned 18 seats and the Labour only 8.
Furthermore, with a quarter of the two parties votes at 7.5% or 3 seats, the British National Party should now have 9 or 10 councillors if the results of the previous three years were combined.
PR will never be allowed to be used, as the Trotskyites who run our city will guard their ground by whatever evil plan they chose.
Take the recent ward boundary changes that saw huge chunks of BNP supported areas, like Billesley and Shard End get diluted into neighbouring areas like Springfield.
The BNP have always been brow beaten like this.
In Stoke, where BNP council representation was so strong, that a BNP mayor was on the cards, the ruling Marxists changed their rules to deny this.
In London, GLA representative and BNP member, Richard Barnbrook has recently been suspended over trumped up charges for saying there was nearly a murder in an area where someone was nearly murdered!
Next month our leader Nick Griffin will be a panelist on BBC's flagship political program, Question Time.
We await more dirty tricks from the broadcasting tool of choice of the state, as the Leninist union leader, Gerry Morrisey is trying to start an intervention by his union to disrupt coverage.
As a lifelong supporter of Union action, this the most anti-democratic union move by Morrisey and BECTU.
Coming back to Brum, in the coming months the BNP has a great opportunity to gain representation on the council.
And it is up to the likes of you and me, the grass roots of the party, to get out and put leaflets through doors and sell copies of Voice of Freedom and show the people of our great city that Nick Griffin's and Andrew Brons's election the Strasbourg and Brussels was no fluke, but a right step in the right direction for a people who are waking up to the lies and the dirty tricks of the LibLabCon and their common purpose allies...
As Weyman Bennett and Tara Hewitt chant into their dirty little megaphones (or so it appears to sound from their uncouthed deep voices):
"The BNP is a truthful party. Support the BNP!"