Our friends over in Team Black Country BNP are soon to undertake a 1,100 foot walk up to Rodney's Pillar, on the Shropshire borders. Sponsors will be helping to fund the candidates for entry in to the campaign to potentially elect Members of Parliament to Westminster.
The last time this walk was completed, we were joined by Chairman Mr. Nick Griffin, and Deputy Chairman, Mr Simon Darby. We cannot promise that this will happen this time around, due to their massive commitments elsewhere, but who knows?
The team will walk up the 1,100 foot hill, and sponsors are required to help the campaign to get MP's elected, or give the enemies of our country a bloody good fright indeed, and prepare the way for future General Elections with a show of strength.
At 1 penny per foot, sponsors are able to help without breaking the bank. Some will want to go the whole hog, and sponsor every step. £11 will see the whole walk covered, but it is down to personal circumstances etc.
Anyone who wants to join the actual walk, contact Russ Green or John Salvage by email
Sponsors please send cheques to Black Country British National Party, 131, Wattle Rd, West Bromwhich. B70 9EX. Alternatively, fill in the credit/debit card forms that will be available to all members and supporters shorty upon request and via post/internet.