Disclaimer: Please note that these posts are entirely the opinion of the authors and not the British National Party.

Monday, 28 September 2009

How many BNP councillors should Birmingham have?

We can remember when Birmingham did have a British National Party councillor. For all of three weeks before Sir Albert Bore held an illegal recount behind closed doors and BNP Councillor Sharon Ebanks was unceremoniously booted out of office.

Apparently it was the BNP's fault for not fielding two candidates in the election, and what went on subsequently is a matter of public record, and for the sake of Ms Ebanks and The BNP won't be repeated here.

If you look at the 2008 statistics for Birmingham, Tories and Labour both polled 30% of the votes, and if PR were being used, then they would each have returned 12 councillors.

Due to the first past the post and the unfair way that the demographic maps are used to ring fence support, the Tories actually returned 18 seats and the Labour only 8.

Furthermore, with a quarter of the two parties votes at 7.5% or 3 seats, the British National Party should now have 9 or 10 councillors if the results of the previous three years were combined.

PR will never be allowed to be used, as the Trotskyites who run our city will guard their ground by whatever evil plan they chose.

Take the recent ward boundary changes that saw huge chunks of BNP supported areas, like Billesley and Shard End get diluted into neighbouring areas like Springfield.

The BNP have always been brow beaten like this.

In Stoke, where BNP council representation was so strong, that a BNP mayor was on the cards, the ruling Marxists changed their rules to deny this.

In London, GLA representative and BNP member, Richard Barnbrook has recently been suspended over trumped up charges for saying there was nearly a murder in an area where someone was nearly murdered!

Next month our leader Nick Griffin will be a panelist on BBC's flagship political program, Question Time.

We await more dirty tricks from the broadcasting tool of choice of the state, as the Leninist union leader, Gerry Morrisey is trying to start an intervention by his union to disrupt coverage.

As a lifelong supporter of Union action, this the most anti-democratic union move by Morrisey and BECTU.

Coming back to Brum, in the coming months the BNP has a great opportunity to gain representation on the council.

And it is up to the likes of you and me, the grass roots of the party, to get out and put leaflets through doors and sell copies of Voice of Freedom and show the people of our great city that Nick Griffin's and Andrew Brons's election the Strasbourg and Brussels was no fluke, but a right step in the right direction for a people who are waking up to the lies and the dirty tricks of the LibLabCon and their common purpose allies...

As Weyman Bennett and Tara Hewitt chant into their dirty little megaphones (or so it appears to sound from their uncouthed deep voices):

"The BNP is a truthful party. Support the BNP!"

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Rutland Weekend speaker in Coventry

"Group photo of Coventry meeting"

In his first meeting as organiser of the Coventry branch of the British National Party, Tom Gower outlined his plans to take the group forward over the coming year.

The well attended afternoon meeting of around forty people was opened by Branch fund-holder Mark Badrick, who bought the room up to date with recent events in the area and tied recent events in with the group's printed A3 Supplement that it issues with the Voice of Freedom, on its 'paper round'.

Mr Badrick also publicised the group's local yellow pages where local BNP tradesmen can advertise themselves to fellow BNP members.

Mr Badrick introduced Mr Gower who told of his history within the party, and then spoke of his desire to return BNP councillors to the local council next year, pointing out specific areas where the known BNP support could make the areas winnable.

After a brief interval, during which a collection was taken, Mr Gower introduced The BNP organiser and a local councillor for Melton & Rutland, James North.

Mr North started off by asking for a show of hands of people who had been mentioned by the evil Searchlight publication, a publication which states it is "Against Racism and Fascism" yet which paradoxically supports the fascist arm of the Marxist elite government, The UAF.

Mr North told the people affected that they should use this supposed adverse publicity to their advantage, and gave an example of his own.

He said "At the recent Red White and Blue festival, we held a village fete style 'fun attraction' where you could choose a member of the branch to wear a rubber mask and for £1 you could throw three wet sponges at your chosen victim."

"We had five to choose from, including Osama-bin-Laden, George Bush, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, yet the Daily Mail reporter that took and published a photograph, actually chose the Barrack Obama mask, paid his pound and gleefully reported that we were racist in using Obama's mask, neglecting to point out that three of the five targets were white, and the other black person was a terrorist vilified even by them" he continued.

Mr North also mentioned several publicised cases of abuse of the NHS by refugees, saying this is a National Health Service was just that, and not an International Health Service.

He also showed that UKIP are a phony 'Nationalist' group, and a safety valve for the government and the media to ensure that the ground made by The BNP this year was not fully realised, as UKIP's Nikki Sinclair, a transgendered female (or a neutered/eunuch male) beat BNP's Simon Darby by a handful of votes to take Labour's seat from Meena Gill in the recent European elections.

Mr North continued his flowing and rousing speech and ended up saying to the assembly "Our time is now, but now is not a time for complacency, Now is a time to continue the hard work we started last year."

After an extra long ovation for Mr North, Mr Gower and Mr Badrick announced that the meeting had raised another £363 for the branch coffers.

Team Black Country BNP In Inter Branch Activity

From the Black Country Patriot

In a break from normal proceedings of late, Team Black Country BNP went to Cannock this weekend, and helped representatives from that town, and others, in what looks to be an exciting bi-election. Shaun Grimsley, local (Heath Hayes) candidate, told correspondent John Salvage that: ''This election seems to be very positive, we have had a fantastic response from members of the public, especially the elderly''. He continued: ''Also, if you look at the response in other bi-elections elsewhere, the patern is similar in terms of a warm and friendly attitude towards the BNP.'' A small contingent will be out again tomorrow, but most of the ward has been completed.
Over 20 activists were present, including representatives from Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and the Black Country, ably directed by our hard working Regional Organiser, Alwyn Deacon. In what turned out to be an appropriate setting, the team photos were taken in front of a local war memorial. Formerly known as Fiveways, It was originally a farming and coal mining village, situated at a junction with five roads. Black Country families moved to the area to work the pits, and in it's prime, there where two collieries, one on the north eastern edge of the village, the other, on the south western side. Its size increased in the late 19th century, as nearby Black Country coal and Nail making industries went into decline, but urban requirements increased. The last mines sadly closed in the early sixties, and the village declined commercially. The old part of the village dates from around the 1890s, but, as the BNP has stated, where possible, the party will seriously look into re-opening such mines, when Westminster is once again run by British MP's for the good of the British people.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Birmingham City Council Tries to Eradicate The Red Squirrel

One of the better quality independent Nationalist blogs, The Red Squirrel, has been banned by Birmingham City Council's (BCC) fascist public protection unit, from its libraries, for the reason of "promoting racism and hate."

This came to the attention of my colleague, Titvs Advxas who was using a computer in a Birmingham Library at the weekend and noticed that some of his own blog seemed to not be loading correctly.

On closer inspection he saw that the Red Squirrel button was not loading, and he then tried to load the page, which failed showing a full size page warning that the page was not available due to it supposedly "promoting racism and hate."

Having told her about the news soon after, Red Squirrel or Epona as she is also known, then immediately posted the humorous picture on the left of this post.

What a bunch of hypocrites they (BCC) are, especially after the way that UAF and Muslim extremists were allowed, by West Midlands Police, who are funded in part by council tax contributions from City of Birmingham residents, to beat up both EDL and other right wing demonstrators at recent lawless episodes in the second city.

The failure to beat up any BNP supporters was solely due to the fact that there were no BNP supporters there.

In fact it could be said that local councillor and member of 'Respect' Salma Yaqoob and wig wearing Muslim leader, Mohammad Naseem, were guilty of inciting racial hatred by their comments made before, during and after the fracas.

In a counter retaliation by Swindon Council, our friend Titvs Advxas may have his blog banned by the Wiltshire town council.

Seriously, the hateful blogs in this land have for some time now been the exclusive domain of the UAF/SWP/Lib-Lab-Con supported 'Unity' webrings, and the hateful comments made publicly come from the same direction

Those blogs are so hateful, that I shall not give them further credence here.

So is this ban by BCC the sign that our blogs are becoming such a threat to the cover-up that our government and press are performing?

Are we starting to hit raw nerves?

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Another giant BNP speaker comes to the Midlands

"Arthur Kemp"

"Ken Billington"

"George Rouse"

"The Solihull officials"

"The half that weren't shy"

A warm autumn evening welcome was given by the Solihull branch of the British National Party to well over 50 members and supporters who attended a venue in the heart of the borough yesterday, to an unforgettable meeting to see two veteran local members and a renowned BNP icon speak.

Amongst the audience was a disillusioned Unison shop steward who is tired and embarrassed of the betrayal of his workers by the union and government alike.

Local organiser Frank O’Brien welcomed all the guests and the speakers, and gave a reminder about a forthcoming black tie event, for the elite fund-raising group of the British National Party, The Trafalgar Club, before he introduced his first speaker, a long time party member, and activist, George Rouse, who by popular demand re-delivered a speech memorably given at a previous meeting.

“This man (Mr. Rouse) is typical of the active and spirited pensioner that we all aspire to be,” declared Mr. O’Brien.

Deputy Organiser, Bob Lassen gave the audience an update on local issues and then introduced the second speaker, another party member, Ken Billington who came to the West Midlands nearly forty years ago, from his hometown of Chester.

Mr. Billington is an ex Royal Air Force serviceman, a member of RAFA, and he is also a member of the National Servicemen’s Veterans Association, and he gave us his compelling and sometimes amusing anecdotal life story from being a junior police cadet in Chester and his extensive RAF career in the Malaysia and the East Indies to his career in the postal service, where he was secretary of the British Telecom and Post Office Veterans Committee

During a brief break for refreshments, a raffle was held and Allan Ashmore, a local campaigner and prospective BNP candidate for a local ward in Solihull, held a table top sale selling party merchandise.

Mr. O’Brien informed the audience of the motions that Solihull Branch would be proposing at The Party conference in November, before he introduced the main speaker for the night, the prominent BNP Political Author and Historian, Arthur Kemp, always a powerful orator who never fails to rouse the audience to a standing ovation.

Mr. Kemp started by presenting a certificate of merit to local activists, Fred and Val Alsop, who sorted, rebundled and boxed nearly five thousand leaflets which were used in a local Solihull ward. Mr. Kemp thanked them for their hard work saying that if it wasn’t for dedication of people like them, then The BNP would not have gained it’s two seats in the election.

The accomplished speaker then gave a splendid rendition that used literary and historical analogies to show the way that successive Labour and Tory have twisted facts and told lie after lie to deceive the general public and mastermind its bizarre final solution, the eradication of the indigenous Brit from our islands.

Using official government figures for school populations in London, Mr. Kemp showed that the indigenous British person had already been ethnically cleansed from the capital by the wide scale immigration policy already in place.

He further told that the green belt areas around our towns and cities were under threat as the need to house the uncontrolled numbers of immigrants meant building on these luscious green spaces.

Mr. Ashmore and branch treasurer, Pat Jelley lastly announced that the meeting had raised a total of £228 that will certainly help keep the Solihull Branch running.

*Details of The Trafalgar Club dinner may be obtained by writing to Solihull BNP, PO BOX 15358, Solihull, B93 3FH or by email to Mr. O’Brien

Monday, 21 September 2009

Local BNP activist shows that you don't have to be a Marxist to be 'A Green'

Local British National Party activist Trevor Lloyd, was out and about on his bicycle again this weekend, this time over in Billesley, where the BNP started off the autumn season with a table-top sale and public leafleting session, on Yardley Wood Road, near the recently reprieved fire station. The 'Green Man' as Mr Lloyd is affectionately known, by other activists, now cycles everywhere, including the short six mile trip to Billesley.

Speaking about the choice of location, another activist, Mr Harland said "We chose this location, as we have been here before, and have been well received by the shop keepers and public alike"

This opinion was confirmed by the presence of local businessman Carl Jelley, who bought a few of his family with him to support Mr Harland and the group. Mr Jelley has recently been the subject of attention by way of a facebook slur from Muslim extremists in the area.

As well as senior and grass-roots BNP activists, also present were some of the BNP activists who run local blogs too, showing that as well as being cyber-activist, that they could get their hands into canvassing and leafleting too.

As a result of the event, the group received several new applications to join the party which will be processed in the coming week.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Postal vote fraud rocks Birmingham by-election in Sparkbrook

Police are investigating the worst outbreak of voter fraud at a Birmingham City Council election for five years.

Almost 400 postal votes cast at Thursday’s Sparkbrook ward by-election – a third of the total issued – were rejected as likely forgeries.

Council officials, backed by the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties, called in the police after saying they suspected an organised plot to influence the result of the by-election, which was won by Respect candidate Shokat Ali.

In 2004, Birmingham was likened to a “banana republic” by Elections Commissioner Richard Mawrey QC, who investigated hundreds of forged ballot papers at that year’s city council elections.

Birmingham Labour leader Sir Albert Bore said those behind the alleged fraud at Sparkbrook had attempted to destroy the electoral process.

Sir Albert added: “Nearly 400 postal vote ballot papers were rejected because of inconsistencies in either the date of birth or the signature of the elector.

“It is appalling that even after a number of very public concerns and enquires into postal vote fraud, the election process in Sparkbrook has been undermined by individuals who have, in a number of ways, attempted to submit postal vote ballot papers of electors other than themselves.

“The fact that around 30 per cent of all postal votes cast – and there were almost 1,800 postal votes cast in this by-election – were rejected clearly illustrates the magnitude of the fraud being perpetuated.

“Birmingham’s reputation for honesty and integrity at election times has again been undermined.”

John Hemming, Liberal Democrat MP for Yardley, who chairs his party’s group on the city council, said: “I want to know whose votes were forged. Postal voting is a criminal offence and this needs to be sorted out”.

Respect Party leader and Sparkbrook councillor Salma Yaqoob raised the possibility with police of fraud during the run-up to polling day after discovering that some Respect supporters hadn’t received their postal voting forms. She suspected ballot papers might have been stolen.

Coun Yaqoob said: “I am very concerned that so many postal votes were rejected by the returning officer. An investigation must be held. If it turns out that fraud was involved, anyone responsible should face prosecution.

“But the truth is that the whole postal vote system is wide open to abuse. For so long as it remains, someone, somewhere, will find a way to bend the rules.

“I won cross-party support last year for an approach to the government asking them to scrap postal voting in Birmingham. The Government really needs to act on this call now to prevent our electoral system being undermined.”

The city council introduced new computer-based checks on postal votes after Mr Mawrey’s damning report into the 2004 elections.

At one stage during the Sparkbrook by-election count half of all postal votes cast were held back for detailed checks after tellers became suspicious.

A council spokesman said: “The apparently significant volume of postal votes rejected provides clear evidence that our new security measures are having a real impact on ensuring the integrity of election counts in Birmingham is preserved.

“As soon as the number of rejected votes started to become apparent we immediately contacted the police, and will work alongside them in any resulting investigation which follows.”

The full result at Sparkbrook:
Ali Shokat (Resp): 2495
Mohammed Azim (Lab): 2228
Abdul Kadir (Con): 799
Naeem Qureshi (Lib Dem): 506
Charles Alldrick (Green): 213
Sakander Mahmood (Ind): 55

English Schoolgirls Fast for Mohammed in Manchester

Taken from The BNP website, this article is about Manchester (Englands 3rd city), and concerns are that with a higher immigrant population, that our school children, in the second city, are being forced to follow the same thing that these poor Mancunians had to endure.

Manchester seems at present to have the dubious honour of leading the whole country into the abyss of Islamification.

A week after Manchester BNP activists first exposed the systematic desecration of Christian gravestones at Quadria Jilania Islamic Centre (formerly St John’s Church), only two miles away in the district of Whalley Range, another terrible chapter is being written in the chronicle of our national degradation.

Non-Muslim girls at Whalley Range High School for Girls have been pressured into observing Ramadan by fasting from dawn to dusk. According to the Manchester Evening News, around 30 non-Muslim pupils took part. They had to wake up to have breakfast by 5.00am and were not allowed to eat or drink until 7.30pm.

This unprecedented outrage took place on the 27th day of Ramadan, significant for Muslims as they believe it marks the day when the Koran was revealed to their “prophet” Mohammed and is considered the most important day of the fasting month.

Tellingly, teachers also participated in the charade and all students and staff wore a ‘27’ badge and will apparently be “awarded a certificate” for their self-abasement.

Deputy head teacher Bob Berry said, “It’s a way for the people involved to take on a Muslim way of life for one day and for them to find out a lot from each other. There were whole teaching departments including the teachers who took part, it was a fantastic project, and a great success.”

There are many complex reasons why Manchester seems to be at the forefront of this national malaise. One is certainly the pernicious influence of the virulently anti-British local Labour mafia who have a vice-like death grip on the politics of the corrupt City council and will not rest until every last vestige of British culture has been extirpated from the City. Another factor is the moral turpitude of local Christian ‘leaders’ who noisily make common cause with marauding gangs of violent Labour-UAF thugs in attacking the BNP, but are quiet as church mice when Christian gravestones are being systematically desecrated in the grounds of a converted mosque.

The apologists for Islamification usually seek to justify such obscenities as the Whalley Range Ramadan Islamopandering by citing “cross-cultural understanding”, “community cohesion” or some such vacuous platitude. The problem is that their appeasement agenda always seems to require British culture to cede more and more ground to Imperial Islam, with no reciprocation whatsoever.

Of course we may be wrong. Perhaps Muslim pupils at Whalley Range School for Girls intend to prove their commitment to “cross cultural understanding” and “community cohesion” by sitting down with their British classmates at the end of the Ramadan fast to enjoy a traditional English breakfast of bacon, sausage, egg and Manchester black pudding. Or maybe not.

Has your child been forced or pressured to fast in the name of Islam? If so, please contact the British National Party for support and advice. Email BNP Enquiries or telephone the main helpdesk 02070 783286.

Friday, 18 September 2009


From a report by R&M from The Billesley Patriot Blog.

This is a question all parents need to ask themselves? It is quite possible that it is and you don't even know it and the school aren't telling you (this decision is usually a financial one). Halal is a vile, barbaric process (better known as ritual slaughter...as mentioned in a previous post on The Billesley Patriot about 'halal pizzas') We could have included graphic pictures, but assure you most people could live without seeing them, even in black and white! There are parents up and down this country starting to ask this question more frequently and saying 'NO' to their children eating Halal school meals. This is Shariah Law alive and kicking in the schools of Great Britain; even in schools where less than 5% of the population are Muslim, schools are routinely giving ALL children Halal meat for convenience, to save money and to be politically correct. The British Navy ONLY serves Halal meat despite the fact that only a tiny percentage of its personnel are muslims. A lot of schools are of the attitude of what parents don't know won't hurt them or 'most parents are too stupid to even know what Halal is' (quote from a Deputy Head of a Birmingham school.)

The time has come for the parents of white, Christian, British children to start asking questions and saying NO to Halal, NO to visiting mosques, NO to celebrating alien faiths and cultures

YES to humanely killed meat, YES to visits to churches and cathedrals and YES to celebrating Christian/English/British culture, history, traditions and values. Speak to your child's teacher or head teacher, ask awkward questions, stick up for the rights of your children, and if they are being served Halal meat say NO.
(How long before your child comes home with a HAPPY EID card?)

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Kraft plan another asset stripping of our nation's confectionery manufacturers

A TAKEOVER of Cadbury by Kraft would threaten the “long-term survival” of the chocolate maker’s historic Bournville factory and its 2,500 jobs, it is claimed.

A local Councillor who represents the Bournville, Cotteridge and Stirchley ward for the Tories, issued a dire warning over the future of the factory if the US giant forces through a takeover.

Kraft has so far seen its initial £10.2 billion bid for Cadbury rejected by the chocolate maker but City experts predict the approach could now trigger a bidding war for the UK group.

The councillor who is also prospective Conservative Parliamentary candidate for Selly Oak, said: “Cadbury is now one of our great British brands and world leading companies."

“It would be a tragedy if it was allowed to be taken over by an American food giant."

“This country simply cannot afford to let yet another great British company fall into the hands of foreign ownership."

“We have lost so many of these kinds of companies over the last 40 years."

"Either they go bust, like our car industry, or they fall under foreign control as was the fate of such icons as ICI, British Oxygen and Rolls Royce."

"No matter what assurances they get a takeover would threaten the long term survival of the Cadbury factory in Bournville and that would be a disaster for Bournville and for Birmingham.”

He further said Kraft had “no particular allegiance to Birmingham or Bournville.

“Kraft are a huge predatory American company. Americans are what Americans are. If they can move manufacturing elsewhere in their empire at better profits, they will."

“This is scary. In the long-term, I would fear for the level of activity at Cadbury. We have so few large manufacturing companies left in this country.”

Speculation is mounting that the world’s other big confectionery groups, including Nestle, Mars and Hershey, could now come in with their own bids for Cadbury in the wake of Kraft’s rejected takeover approach.

The fact Cadburys is still a public limited company and this is a hostile bid, unless Kraft withdraws or increases their measly offer, or unless other bidders now enter the bidding, then there is a simple process and the shareholders will be asked if they want to take the present price on offer after the Cadbury board issues its own written advice and its own proposals.

However, as in other industries, the company threatened could launch a counter bid, i.e Cadbury to buy out Kraft. Their bankers should be able to offer finance to Cadbury, based solely on the assets of the target company.

We could follow that by relocating much of Kraft to The West Midlands on the wastelands produced by the state engineered Longbridge car industry collapse and thus boosting our economy here no end.

BNP Wife comes to Cannock Chase!

 The 'group' photograph

New candidate Stuart Grimsley

Mike Bell spellbound by Bill Vaughan
Marlene Guest

Speakers: Shaun, Bill, Marlene & Terry

Terry Majorowicz

Monday night’s entertaining meeting of the British National Party Cannock Chase group saw a visit to the West Midlands by Marlene Guest, the renowned Rotherham group activist and organiser.
Fund-holder Terry Majorowicz started the meeting with his account of the BNP’s Red White and Blue festival in Derbyshire last month
“Although I have been a member of the BNP for nearly eight years, this was my first visit to the RWB, and I would recommend it to anyone here who hasn’t been” said Mr. Majorowicz.
“Despite being caught up in the melee and delay caused by the UAF, who were the ones committing the offence of obstruction, we eventually arrived after a four and a half hour delay” continued Mr. Majorowicz.
"When we got in, I smiled, because I knew we had beaten the UAF" said Mr. Majorowicz.
"Inside every single group that had a stall showed what their region is made of, and what their region makes" he further said.
“In every tent, you could buy anything you could imagine apart from a kitchen sink” he joked.
Then Mr Majorowicz looked over to Mike Bell, the West Midland Secretary, and joked further by adding “Weren’t you selling the kitchen sinks this year, Mike?”
Mr. Majorowicz concluded his brief encounter of the event by stating that the UAF, who are funded by the Labour party and supported by a wide section of the house of commons, including Tory leader David Cameron, and Labour’s Secretary of State for Wales, Peter Hain, would never get the better of the BNP, because the BNP stand up for the people of Great Britain.
The meeting continued with a short display of the art of the magician, by group organiser and former Magic circle member, Bill Vaughan.

Mr. Vaughan amazed the ensemble with a variety of amusing and highly skilled magic tricks, before introducing the latest BNP candidate for the forthcoming ward election in Heath Hayes East & Wimblebury, Shaun Grimsley.


Mr. Grimsley’s first public speech, although brief, told us of his desire to represent his area with the ideals, common sense, and decency of the BNP.


After a short break where a collection was held and £149.70 was raised for the group, Mr. Majorowicz introduced the Yorkshire dynamo, Marlene Guest.


Mrs. Guest started by offering her best wishes to Mr. Grimsley, saying “I hope that the next time we are here, I can shake the hand of the BNP’s first Cannock Chase councillor, Shaun”


Mrs. Guest talked of local issues in her home town, including the proposed building on green belt land and the demolishing of local historical and iconic buildings to make way for new buildings for the benefit of immigrant people.


Mrs. Guest said “They (the government) have got rid of the coal industry and now they’ve got rid of the steel industry. The only thing of value they have left is the land and the building, and now they’re giving that away too”

“Immigration on the scale it is the driving force for councils to build homes on green belt land” she continued.


Mrs. Guest commented on the way political correctness had gone to amazing extremes such as her local ‘greasy spoon’ cafe where the traditionally named “Full English Breakfast” had to be renamed “Large Cooked Morning Meal” to avoid upsetting Muslim visitors


(Although what Muslim visitors would be doing in an establishment selling Pork Sausage and Bacon is beyond me?)

Mrs. Guest said that a change in government at next year’s general election would make no difference, as the expected Tory landslide would only mean “Same lies, different coloured ties”.


Mrs. Guest continued her speech by saying “The labour party is importing their votes by wholesale immigration, but what do these politicians think when the Muslim population is big enough? They won’t be voting for the Labour party then will they? No. They will be voting for The Muslim Party”


“And then it’ll be too late!” she said


Mrs. Guest’s final point was “The biggest political party we face in any election is Apathy, and the only way we can’t fight apathy is by pushing bits of papers through doors telling people the truth”


A double standing ovation was given to Mrs. Guest who modestly shared her applause with her companions, Neal and Sheryl, who attend every single meeting with Marlene.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Birmingham man on trial over dog-fighting ring

A Birmingham man has gone on trial accused of being involved in one of Europe's largest dog-fighting syndicates.
Mohammed Farooq, 33, of Bordesley Green, is on trial at Lincoln Magistrates' Court along with Claire Parker, 44, of Kexby, Lincolnshire, and a 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons.
The trio were charged following an investigation by BBC's Panorama programme into links between a dog-fighter called Gary Adamson and a Northern Ireland gang with paramilitary connections, who supplied illegal American pit bull dogs and travelled to fights as far away as Finland.
In a video of the BBC programme Inside Out, the undercover reporter who investigated the dog-fighting ring can be seen chatting to 38-year-old Adamson as he brags about his three pit bulls.
The reporter met Adamson after he started drinking with the Farmers Boys, a dog-fighting syndicate based in a small town called Tandragee, in Co Armagh, Northern Ireland.
The reporter, Steve Ibinson, who has since died in Afghanistan, said: "He (Adamson) sees himself as the Don King of pit bulls. 
He was very relaxed in the company of the Farmers Boys, who made it clear that he was their guy in the North East of the UK. For the Farmers Boys he was part of one of the biggest dog-fighting syndicates in Europe."
Ibinson went on to describe how a fight filmed in Finland had left some of the dogs involved so badly injured that they would have to be put down.
He added: "The last dog in that incident was killed by putting on to its tail a crocodile clip and another one on to its ear and then connecting it to the main electrical system."
Footage, filmed secretly by Ibinson, showed Adamson playing with three of his pit bulls.
In one clip Adamson, a part-time odd job man, said he was looking for a swimming tank in which he could train his dogs. 
He kept them at the side of his house in Yarm, Cleveland, in reinforced pens.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Birmingham Police chief "blames right wing protestors over inept policing and counter protests"

UNDER-fire West Midlands Police chief Chris Sims today hit out at right-wing protesters who he said sparked violent scenes in Birmingham, predicting they would “run out of steam”.
As criticism mounted over the way the demonstration was handled, Chief Constable Sims defended his officers and said “the people of Birmingham rose above the provocation by the English Defence League (EDL)”.
A total of 90 people were arrested on Saturday afternoon as members of anti-Islamic extremist EDL group clashed on the streets with Unite Against Facism (UAF) protestors.
The arrests were approximately 50:50 of people attached to both groups, and police were today targeting other trouble makers behind the mob violence that hit Birmingham city centre for the second time in a month.
Expressing pride in the officers involved in the policing operation, Mr Sims said: “Firmly policed, EDL elements from across the country showed their true colours and some 45 of their number were arrested.
“The communities of Birmingham and members of UAF did not dignify the EDL by offering a formal counter protest.
“They sent an unmistakable message to those who seek to gnaw away at the foundations of our vibrant, multi-cultural city.
“This left English Defence League members frustrated and isolated.”
Mr Sims said his only regret was that some opposed to the views of the EDL also “chose to use the day as an excuse for disorder” and an equal number were arrested.
He added: “I sincerely hope Birmingham does not have to experience another event of this kind.
“The groundwork with religious groups, youth organisations and politicians played a major part in ensuring the bonds of community cohesion remain unbroken today.”
However, Respect Party leader and councillor for Sparkbrook, Salma Yaqoob, claimed the people of Birmingham had been let down by the city council and West Midlands Police.
“The EDL came to Birmingham for one reason only: to spread hatred and division,” she said.
“They should never have been allowed to stir up trouble on the streets of our city centre. Everybody has the right to freedom of speech but nobody has the right to incite racial or religious hatred.
“Unless firm action is taken to tackle these hooligans, these scenes will be repeated again and again in our city centre.
“I do not want to see violence on our streets. This must not be allowed to happen again.”
Perry Barr MP Khalid Mahmood had earlier criticised the police operation and called for an inquiry into their handling of it.
He said: “West Midlands Police have had four weeks to plan for this but they have failed innocent members of the public in Birmingham city centre.”
But insisting that his officers had handled the situation well, Mr Sims said: “I have to weigh the rights of individuals to peacefully protest against the hurt and inconvenience such events can cause.”
He added that a “joint deterrent of a resolute police force and united community” would win out.

Abuse of Power by Tory Council Leader over small business in Birmingham Suburb?

Tory Birmingham City Council leader Mike Whitby is trying to stop a small business from opening in his Harborne ward – for the second time this year.
He is opposing plans for a cafe-bar in Harborne High Street, on the grounds that the venue would “dilute the quality” of the area.
But the man behind the scheme, which would create 20 jobs, has described Coun Whitby’s objection as “bizarre”.
It’s the second time recently that the council leader has sought to prevent a business from getting off the ground.
At the beginning of the year Coun Whitby lost a battle to prevent an Indian takeaway opening in Northfield Road, Harborne.
The council planning committee rejected his claims about unpleasant cooking smells and anti-social behaviour and approved the takeaway.
Members said similar outlets were regularly approved in other parts of Birmingham and Harborne should be treated no differently.
Now Coun Whitby has written to the committee demanding that Bristol-based bar chain Loungers be denied permission to turn 147 Harborne High Street, an empty former building society office, into a restaurant and cafe-bar.
The applicants want to open from 9am to 23.30 daily and say the premises could provide tables for 90 people.
Coun Whitby said the proposal would threaten the sustainability of other similar businesses in the street and undermine the Harborne economy.
Loungers owner Alex Reilly said: “The economy is on its knees and some people are saying this application should not be approved. That is a little bit ridiculous.
“What would they prefer? To keep the unit empty?"
"It is a bizarre objection. It is disappointing that the leader of the council has taken this view.”
Loungers has ten outlets at the moment, mainly in the south of England, but intends to expand its activities.
Mr Reilly said Loungers bars prided themselves on being informal meeting places, popular with daytime shoppers particularly mothers with children.
A council planning officer is recommending approval for the scheme when the committee meets next week.
James Mead pointed out that the High Street already has several “big name” shops and that 147 is sandwiched between a Cafe Nero outlet and a Blockbusters Video store.
He said there was no evidence to suggest that another cafe-bar would damage the economy.
Mr Mead added: “I consider that this proposal does not conflict with the objectives of ensuring vitality and viability to local centres.”
A spokesman for Coun Whitby said the leader did not wish to comment.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Criminal runs Birmingham drugs ring from a Panama prison cell

COPS want to extradite a Brummie criminal mastermind from Panama, where he has been running an international drugs ring by mobile phone from his prison cell.
Officers from SOCA, the Government’s Serious Organised Crime Agency, are probing the role of 52 year-old Birmingham gangster Leo Francis Morgan in the plot.
Morgan is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence for drugs offences in El Renacer prison – the hellhole which inspired the nightmarish Sona jail in TV show Prison Break.
From his cell, by the banks of the Panama Ship canal, he is said to be involved in a cocaine conspiracy which stretches all the way back to the UK.
Details of the gangster’s involvement only came to light when undercover SOCA officers smashed a conspiracy to flood Britain’s streets with drugs by notorious Liverpool villain George Moon.
It was Moon, 62, who orchestrated the UK end of the cocaine ring from his own prison cell at HMP Lindholme in Doncaster, using a mobile phone to contact Morgan in Panama.
Together, they plotted to smuggle cocaine with a street value of £300,000 into the UK.
Moon was sentenced to a further 18 years in prison at Liverpool Crown Court earlier this month for his part in the case.
Also jailed were Anthony Parry, 39, of Liverpool – said to be Moon’s right-hand man – Bilaal Khan, 27 of Bradford; Abid Hussain, 22, of Bradford; Lee Standeven, 24 of Widnes, and Harminder Singh, 25 of West Yorkshire.
Now, investigators are now turning their sights on Brummie Morgan.
Details of his life are scant but inquiries by the Sunday Mercury have revealed a violent past of armed robbery and drug dealing across Britain.
Originally from Frankley, Birmingham, Morgan fell in with what one former undercover cop described as “the number one armed robbery gang in England” during the 1980s.
Retired detective Ronnie Howard was part of a covert surveillance team which observed Morgan and the rest of his gang ‘casing’ a Harborne bank in 1986.
They watched in secret as Morgan, alongside ringleader Hubert Lloyd Forbes, and henchmen Wesley Augustus Stewart, John Bullivant and Lionel Alfonso Webb, staked out a security van’s movements for three weeks.
Cops pounced before the gang could strike and found a kilo of cocaine and a suitcase full of £13,000 worth of burned banknotes at Forbes’s palatial Edgbaston home.
But although Forbes was convicted on drugs offences, the rest of the gang was acquitted at a trial later that year, claiming that they were only meeting to discuss a drug deal.
“Make no mistake,” said ex-cop Howard. “This lot were as savage as they came, and they would not have thought twice about shooting anyone who got in their way.
“I know they were implicated in a number of jobs across the north of England back in the day but I only ever ran into them in this case.
“But they were in the Premier League of their criminal world and lived a champagne lifestyle of fast cars and glamorous women.”
The gang split up soon after their acquittal – but did not prosper.
John Bullivant was sent to prison for 25 years in the late 1980s for a botched armed robbery in Redditch, Worcestershire in which he shot at a policeman.
Lionel Alfonso Webb became an estate agent in London but was murdered in 1989 when he was shot in the face by an unknown killer.
The murder has never been solved but one theory is that it was a revenge attack for undercutting some rivals in overseas property transactions, although ex-cop Howard firmly believes a drug connection is more likely.
“This gang was no different to a lot of other hardened criminals in the late 80s.
“They realised it was safer and easier to make money in drugs then armed robbery, which was run by public schoolboys and hippies back then, so they easily took over that world.
“So for Leo Morgan to turn up running a drugs empire from his prison cell in Latin America is no surprise to me at all. He will be running that place with all the money I’m sure he’ll have.”
According to sources in Panama Morgan fled the UK in 1992 to escape charges of importing cannabis and set himself up on a farm in the countryside.
But he was soon back to his old ways.
Panamanian police swooped on his farm and found 110 kilos of cocaine with a street value of half a million pounds.
He was sentenced to 10 years in the country’s tough El Rencaser prison which was considered so dangerous in the 1980s that the famous 82nd Airborne Division of the US Army assaulted and secured it during the invasion of Panama in 1989.
A rambling, ramshackle assortment of barbed wired buildings and cramped, unhygienic conditions in which prisoners are crammed into rat-infested cells, it is considered a law unto itself by many in Panama.
Tuberculosis, AIDS, and other diseases are common among the prison population. Gang tension is also rife and life is cheap, with money being the only guarantee of safety. Drugs are dealt freely in full view of prison guards.
The prison has housed some of South America’s most feared criminals and terrorists and its location close to the Panama Canal means it is ideally situated for drug traffickers moving their product from Colombia by sea.
One ex-pat journalist who works in Panama City confided that El Rencaser is considered a “country club for hardened criminals”.
Incredibly, it was from here that Morgan would receive phone calls from George Moon on a smuggled mobile and then use his extensive contacts in the Latin American underworld to arrange the consignments.
The parcels, made to look like engineering parts, were sent to Cork, Ireland, and then brought into Britain by fellow gang members.
The plot was finally exposed in May 2008 when prison guards became suspicious and seized a notebook from Moon’s prison cell containing phone numbers and details about the gang, helping police crack the case.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Anti-fascists clash with right-wing protesters in Birmingham

VIOLENT rioting brought Birmingham city centre to a standstill as rival groups of protesters clashed today.

Around 100 members of the right-wing English Defence League fought running battles with the vile UAF for more than three hours on Saturday afternoon.
Terrified shoppers locked themselves inside stores and cafes as they tried to avoid the fighting.
More than 30 people were arrested as police struggled to prevent the protests spilling over.
Members of the English Defence League, who had travelled from Luton and Bristol, held up signs reading: “Islamic Extremists Out” and “Make Britain Safe”.
They met in the Figure of Eight pub in Broad Street at 12.30pm where they began drinking pints of beer. 
They sang the national anthem and Rule Britannia, as well as shouting insults against Allah and Islam.
But the protests turned nasty when the EDL reached New Street at about 2pm, where they clashed with 30 or so UAF protesters, who were holding up banners saying: “Give the EDL the red card.”
Shaven-headed men, some with bulldogs, squared up to the rival protesters before riot police intervened.
Bottles and glasses were thrown and masked men were seen wielding wooden poles.
Punches were thrown and the cops used their batons to stop the violence escalating further.
After an hour of angry skirmishes, police finally trapped around 60 EDL members in Bennetts pub in the city centre at 3.30pm, where they were held for more than an hour.
Meanwhile, a group of 60 Asian men gathered and tried to storm the premises, only being stopped by police using shields and protective headgear.
Moments later the gang re-appeared on a nearby street, throwing missiles and bricks they had picked up from a builder’s skip.
Eye-witness Sarah Edwards, who was locked in a cafe with dozens of other shoppers, said: “We suddenly saw about 200 Asian men running down the street throwing bricks.
“They came from nowhere, and were sprinting towards the pub where the EDL were."
“We were so scared."
“We really feared for our lives and we had to run into the cafe so we wouldn’t get hurt."
“It’s shocking to see this on our streets.”
West Midlands Police had planned to contain the protest at Lancaster Circus at 3.30pm – but the violence in the city centre meant they did not arrive until 5pm.
Police finally shepherded the EDL from Bennetts pub into double-decker buses.
As the convoy made its way to the demo site, drunken men were seen ripping up the seats and throwing them out of the window.
UAF shouted: “Nazi scum, out of Brum” while rival groups held placards reading: “Ban Mosques” and “No Sharia law”.
A police helicopter was deployed to monitor the protest and officers videoed the trouble.
Before the demonstration police and the city council had obtained an order allowing them to restrict “trespassing groups” in the Bullring area of the city.
They were granted permission to impose conditions on the protesters, restricting them to certain locations and a limit of 250 people
Orders were also passed restricting the demonstrations to two locations.
A West Midlands Police spokeswoman said: “West Midlands Police can confirm that in excess of 20 people have now been arrested in two separate incidents in Birmingham city centre."
“A group of more than 20 men were arrested on a bus in Digbeth High Street."
“Police moved in to make the arrests for violent disorder shortly after 3.30pm."
“Officers have also arrested a 41 year-old male for violent disorder in Waterloo Street.”
Leisha Brookes, from the EDL, said: “We are ptotesting against Sharia Law and the acceptance by our Government of Islamic extremism."
“It is unfortunate that it has come to this but we are a mulit faith group who are just trying to protest against extremism.”
She insisted that she did not want to see any violence and that the group were not fascists.”
No-one from the UAF was available for comment.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Police chiefs allay fears of violence at Birmingham protest

Police and council bosses have pledged it will be ‘business as usual’ in Birmingham city centre tomorrow despite fears of violent clashes between rival protesters.

City bosses have moved to ensure that anti-Islamic extremist protests by the English Defence League and counter demonstrations by Unite Against Fascism do not lead to clashes in the city’s main Saturday shopping areas.

But they admitted they have no idea whether five, 50, 500 or even more people will take to the streets as neither group has made direct contact with police.

Instead their information has come from tip-offs, the internet and mobile phone conversations with some participants leaving officers in the dark about how the protests will be organised.

They are stepping up police numbers on Saturday afternoon, invoking special powers under the Public Order Act and have arranged two protest sites to keep the demonstrations away from the busy New Street and Bullring area to ensure that 150,000 expected visitors can shop in peace and safety.

Police refused to identify the sites but confirmed one will not be Victoria Square as it is hosting a large RAF display this weekend.

The EDL have already reacted by arranging, via their website, to meet under police supervision on Broad Street where they will be led to their protest site. The UAF indicated they will not be carrying out a counter-protest, lessening the threat of trouble.

Police have also made four arrests and are following up further enquiries following the publication of CCTV images of the disturbances in the city on August 8.

And they admitted that contrary to some statements in the wake of the trouble, the majority of the protesters involved were from Birmingham and surrounding area and not outsiders.

Assistant Chief Constable Sharon Rowe said they have to balance the safety of shoppers and workers with the protesters’ fundamental right to free speech.

She confirmed the Home Office has granted a section 14a order, under the Public Order Act, giving them the right to move protests away from the Bullring shopping centre.

She said: “The groups have chosen to protest on a day when there are a large number of visitors in the city centre. The information on the protests changes hourly on both sides. We are getting most of our information from the internet.”

Birmingham City Council’s head of resilience Sharon Lea said that more disorder could have a huge negative impact on the local retail economy.

“It is the last Saturday before many children return to school, families will be out shopping for school uniforms. We expect 150,000 visitors to the city centre. The disorder on August 8th led to a losses of 15 per cent for one large store. With these measures we will ensure it is business as usual tomorrow.”

Meanwhile the chairman of Birmingham Methodist Church, Rev Bill Anderson, has written to the Home Office and West Midlands Police asking for them to ban the protest by the EDL.

“Their sole aim is to create tension and to intimidate and provoke the people of Birmingham with racist and Islamophobic abuse,” he said.

BNP Launches New Group in Telford By TITVS ADVXAS

Thursday night saw the first official British National Party meeting in Telford, Shropshire, attended by 45 people specially invited to inaugurate the new unit.

“The area needs a local group because there are so many new BNP members in the area as a result of the large number of enquiries generated from the Euro elections,” said meeting host and West Midlands organiser, Alwyn Deacon.

West Midlands election officer James Whittall revealed that without any local organisation, the BNP had polled nine percent of the vote in Telford. “This is an impressive result when it is considered that we only put out the one election leaflet in the area,” Mr Whittall said. “That compares to an average of eight and a half percent average for the rest of the West Midlands where we did canvass and leaflet.”

Next speaker was West Midlands training organiser Richard Lumby who dealt with some practical issues in making a group popular amongst locals by, amongst other things, assisting residents with issues which other parties do not wish to touch.

The meeting was then opened for a question and answer session during which local attendees were able to ask questions about the functioning of a local group and how best to go about setting one up.

Last speaker was West Midlands Secretary Mike Bell who detailed how he and four others had started the South Birmingham Group which had now expanded into a branch which could hold meetings of 200 people or more.

“We did this from a support base similar to that here in Telford,” Mr Bell said, adding that it was the intention of the party to have Telford BNP fully functioning with all officials in place before the end of the year.

A collection was held in which £100 was raised to launch the new group.

Thieves steal car from Erdington home of dying cancer patient

Thieves stole a car from the Birmingham home of a bedridden cancer patient while family members were at his side for the final hours of his life, police have said.

Scott Wright, 26, lay at home in Erdington surrounded by loved ones when a thief, or thieves, crept into the house and took the keys to his Volkswagen Golf.

Noticing that the car, and his mother's handbag, had been stolen, Mr Wright's family reported the theft to police but kept the news secret from him so as not to upset him.

Mr Wright, who was given three months to live in June, had been battling cancer since August last year. His health had deteriorated badly and his family gathered at the house to offer comfort and support on Wednesday evening.

Police said the theft happened at some point between 10.45pm that night and 1.45am the following morning. Mr Wright died two hours after police officers left the house on Holliday Road on Thursday.

Mr Wright's mother, Lynn Wright, said: "Scott was a hard-working young man who was close to his family and liked by everyone who met him. He had fought a brave battle against cancer and endured his gruelling treatment without complaint.

"The family are grateful that his final moments were not marred by the knowledge of the theft of his car."

Detective sergeant Richard Cox, of West Midlands Police, added: "This is a truly tragic case that has devastated a family when they are already going through such a terrible time. It is highly likely that the offenders in this case would not have known about Scott's poor health, or the present circumstances, but that offers little comfort to his grieving family.

"The family understandably feel that they were robbed of two precious hours which could have been spent with Scott rather than giving statements, cancelling bank cards, and the like."

Police are appealing for anyone who has seen a black Volkswagen Golf, registration BN58 LPU, to call them on 0121 322 6074 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Use this link to view the full Declaration
Adopted by General Assembly Resolution 61/295 on 13 September 2007 Affirming that indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, while recognising the right of all peoples to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as such. Reaffirming that indigenous peoples, in the exercise of their rights, should be free from discrimination of any kind. Recognising the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures and from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to their lands, territories and resources. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.


They once considered themselves ‘socialists’, but the recent list of expenses claimed by our 645 Members of Parliament exposes Labour members as the hypocrites they truly are!

1. Shahid Malik (Lab) £185,421
2. Liam Byrne (Lab, Hodge Hill) £178,116
3. Joan Ryan (Lab) £173,691
4. Dan Norris (Lab) £172,733
5. Tim Farron (Lib-Dem) £172,327
6. Frank Doran (Lab) £171,836
7. Angus MacNeil (SNP) £169,971
8. Tom Levitt (Lab) £168,660
9. Alex Salmond (SNP) £166,814
10. David Mundell (Con) £166,598

Anti-BNP hatemonger Shahid and Hodge Hill comedian Liam topped the free-loading chart, but how did the ten other Birmingham MPs fare …

88. Roger Godsiff (Lab, Sparkbrook & Small Heath) £150,059
108. Khalid Mahmood (Lab, Perry Barr) £148,666
113. Richard Burden (Lab, Northfield) £148,447
139. Lynne Jones (Lab, Selly Oak) £146,793
167. SiĆ“n Simon (Lab, Erdington) £145,444
196. Andrew Mitchell (Con, Sutton Coldfield) £143,965
278. Steve McCabe (Lab, Hall Green) £140,352
382. Gisela Stuart (Lab, Edgbaston) £134,870
388. Clare Short (Ind, Ladywood) £134,408
394. John Hemming (Lib-Dem, Yardley) £134,220

The combined expenses of Birmingham’s eleven MPs for this period was £1,605,340. Is that value for money or just being taken for a ride?


The footer blog of the Birmingham Patriot will contain poetry and readings that stir the patriot from within. I have decided to start with a famous one from Kipling, which as far as I can determine was written during The Great War. Well he does make exceedingly good poems! This is followed by a personal all time favourite, The St Crispins Speech from Henry V, by Black Country Boy Billy Shakespeare. Again please email me with suggestions birminghampatriot@hotmail.com

The Beginnings

IT WAS not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved
Ere the English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.

Rudyard Kipling written during the period 1914-18.

Excerpt from Henry V

This day is called the Feast of Crispian:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a-tiptoe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall see this day and live t'old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say "To-morrow is Saint Crispian":
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars
And say "These wounds I had on Crispin's day."
Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember with advantages
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remembered.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now abed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

William Shakespeare 1599

Fly the flag Video by Bertie Bert music by Richard Greenfield