Having already observed a minute silence at a previous meeting in the black country, Mr Patten instead raised a glass to toast him. "To Arthur"
Mr Patten showed the meeting several newspaper clippings, including the recent reports of the arrests of two prominent Tory councillors on charges of cocaine possession which is up before the courts in the coming week.
If those cases are proved, then there will surely be two more by-elections in their north Wolverhampton wards.
Mr Patten also referred to an article citing figures from the most recent census, in 2001, that gave Wolverhampton a 22% ethnic population with 'over 60' languages spoken in it's 'wonderful' multicultural melee.
Mr Patten then showed several more news articles highlighting that 'wonderful' multiculturalism with headlines about the "Ethnic third world gangs" and "Ethnic gang drug crimes" and "Ethnic gang knife and gun crimes."
Mr Patten also reveal how much money awaits asylum seekers, who travel through up to 20 'safe' countries before waiting near Calais for an opportunity to cross into the UK, where on top of all the other state benefits, they will get an extra £40 per single male or extra £70 per couple, from the border agency, another arm of the government
Mr Patten introduced the next speaker, Mr John Painter, whose brief and emotive speech urged the group with a rally call to follow Arthur Copson's brave example of the 'super activist'.
Mr Painter showed several articles from the MSM publication The Telegraph, that highlight the utter foolishness of the politically correct establishment, including a 71 year grandmother whose home was pelted with eggs by a gang of hoodie wearing youths and after she plucked up the courage to push one of the youths away from her property by prodding him in the chest, was herself arrested for assault.
Mr Painter urged the group to go out to their workplaces, and clubs and tell people that the BNP have a wide range of policies citing their stance on law and order, to show people that all our policies are indeed common sense and popular.
The main speaker of the night was the South Shropshire organiser, James Whittall, who touched on the upcoming CEHR court case, with his own opinion, saying that in making this case, Trevor Phillips had scored a massive 'own goal' as this (the membership criteria of the party) was the only thing that they can publically use against us, and if the court case follows its natural course and conclusion, then that 'brow beater' will become redundant.
Mr Whittall added "It is not how we get into power that matters. It is what we do when we get there." surely referring to the possibility, in Mr Whitall's opinion, of changing the membership criteria of the party to satisfy the CEHR court case.
Mr Whittall also spoke about Nick Griffin's impending appearance on The BBC show 'Question Time' being pitted against justice secretary Jack Straw, a man who has publically stated said the "English were not worth saving as a race", saying that if the audience try (as they surely will) to make The BNP out as a one policy party, then in doing so against Mr Griffin, they will see through Nick's own wide knowledge and eloquence that we are indeed a multi policy party, where immigration is but a small, albeit focal part.
Mr Whittall also referred to the UN article of the rights of indigenous people to self determination, and their right to resist colonisation, referring to UK media and 'celebrity' support for the peoples of Tibet and the Amazon rainforest to resist colonisation by China and Brazil respectively, and how the rights of the indigenous British islander are not being upheld as successive UK administrations have allowed unrestricted and unchecked immigration that will, if allowed to continue, result in the extinction of our race.
After a brief Q&A session with Mr Whittall, fund-holder, Dave Bradbury announced that the evening had raised £200 for the branch.